martes, 30 de enero de 2024

Reading comprehension unit 3 5th grade. Books and films


Hello, I’m Mary. I like reading detective novels. I really like books about Sherlock Holmes. I read every night before I go to bed. My brother Alex loves reading too, but he prefers adventure stories and books about explorers and pirates. I go to the cinema twice a month with my family. I love animation films. My favourite film is “Beauty and the Beast”.

My mum likes horror films and hates musicals. My dad really likes fantasy films and science fiction and he doesn’t like horror films, he thinks they’re terrifying. He usually watches films on the internet, his favourite film is “Star Trek”. I don’t like science fiction, I think they’re really boring. 

Answer the questions:

1. How often does Mary read?

2. How often does Mary go to the cinema?

3. What is Mary’s favourite film?

4. Does Alex love reading?

5. Does her mum like musicals?

6. Does her dad like horror films?

7. What does Mary think of science fiction films?

8. What does her dad think of horror films?

9. Does her brother watch films on the internet?

10. Does her mum like horror films?

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