jueves, 20 de abril de 2023

 Reading unit 5 

Yesterday Tina went to a fair with her father. There were many toys at the fair. She wanted to buy all the toys. There were also many food stalls. As Tina was hungry, she walked towards one of the stall. But she did not realise that she had let her father's hand go. She went to the shop and asked for a chocolate. The shopkeeper asked for money. She turned back, but she did not find her father. She started crying. The kind shopkeeper gave her a candy. He also told her not to cry. He took her to a police officer. The police announced Tina's name through the speakers. After some time, her father arrived and saw Tina. The girl ran towards him, hugged him thightly and cried. Her father bought her many toys. Tina did not let go of her father ´ s hand ever again. 


fair- feria

stall- puesto de feria/ mercado

to realise-darse cuenta

to  let- dejar , permitir

to arrive- llegar

to hug – abrazar

tightly- con fuerza, fuertemente



1- What  did the police announce?

2- Where did Tina  go with her father? 

3- Did the shopkeeper give Tina  some chocolate?

4- Whom did Tina hug ?

5- What did she ask for in the shop?

6- Did Tina cry when she was alone?

7- What did her father buy for Tina?

8-  Was  Tina hungry?

9-  Were there food stalls in the fair ?

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